Our grant application period has ended for the calendar year 2024. All grantees will be notified by the end of December.

Please revisit this page in late summer/early autumn for information regarding our 2025 grant program.

Read on to learn more.

For 65 years, the Milford United Way has worked in our city to provide needed goods and services to residents who otherwise could not afford them. Whether it’s disaster relief, emergency funds, diapers or school supplies, we continue to seek ways to directly impact the lives of people in need in our community.

Our annual grant program is central to our mission as a United Way chapter, providing local nonprofits with the means to fulfill their own missions. Through this funding, the Milford United Way multiplies its capacity to positively impact the lives of Milford residents.

We are extending our capacity further by seeking, vetting and funding additional nonprofit partners who assist Milford residents in three critial areas: food insecurity, housing instability and/or mental health.

Our grant program is more than just a financial investment; it’s a commitment to partnership. Together, through our Council of Nonprofit Executives, we collaborate to find innovative solutions to the challenges facing our community. We believe that by working hand in hand, we can overcome obstacles that none of us could tackle alone.

Questions? Contact:
Cynthia Conrad
Chief Development Officer
Milford United Way